Weather Forecasts, Road Conditions, and Weather Radar for A71 Mitchell Highway

Current & 7-day weather forecast, road conditions, and weather radar for A71 Mitchell Highway.
All times shown in your local timezone

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Weather Radar for A71 Mitchell Highway

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Road Trip and Weather Conditions for A71 Mitchell Highway

The A71 Mitchell Highway is a two lane road with a width of 7 meters. The road surface is in good condition with only minor patches of potholes and the occasional broken edge. The speed limit is 110 kilometers per hour, however, due to the winding nature of the highway, drivers must take caution and drive at a lower speed. The road is bordered by rolling hills, with plenty of room to pass other vehicles. The road is relatively straight, with occasional curves and some steep grades. The road is mostly free of debris and there are no major hazards. The surrounding landscape is mostly farmland, with occasional pockets of trees and shrubs.

The A71 Mitchell Highway experiences a wide range of weather conditions throughout the year. In summer (December-February), temperatures range from 25-35 degrees Celsius, with occasional hot days reaching up to 40 degrees Celsius. During winter (June-August), temperatures range from 0-15 degrees Celsius, with occasional cold days reaching down to -5 degrees Celsius. Rainfall is consistent throughout the year, with an average of 300-400mm of rain per month. The wind is usually moderate, ranging between 5-15 km/hr. In spring (September-November) and autumn (March-May), temperatures range from 10-25 degrees Celsius, and the rainfall and wind remain consistent.

Major Junctions of A71 Mitchell Highway

This map shows the current & 7-day weather forecast, road conditions, and weather radar for A71 Mitchell Highway.